Monday, April 16, 2012

PBJHS - Tuesday 4/17/12

Shout out to PBJHS students...

On Friday, PBJHS hosted the annual Special Olympics. PBJHS students represented our school quite well: 

9 gold medals
5 silver medals
8 bronze medals
and 3 in 4th place!!!!!

Kudos to all of our awesome students who participated; way to go!

Video of the week... Jon Gordon (@jongordon11) - "Feed the positive dog"

Tweet of the week...
"Whoever thinks learning is contained to four walls & a neatly set of arranged desks is really missing out on when & where learning can occur..."

Image of the week...

5 blog posts of the week...

1) - Uphill both ways in a snowstorm by @birklearns

2) - Are you boring your students into misbehavior?

3) - Fighting engagement deficit disorder

4) - Don't tell anybody by @jmclean77

5) - Showing up...

Book club information:
- Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 5/2/12 immediately after school in Mr. Dunn's room. We will be reading, "Drive," by Daniel Pink. There are still a few copies in Dr. Tarte's office for those who are interested or those who have not picked up their copy yet.

**We recently purchased a few copies of Ruby Payne's, "A framework for understanding poverty." For those who are interested, see Mrs. Jackson or Mrs. Duckett to get a copy of the book.

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